Loopydave is an Australian-based illustrator and peanut butter addict whose work has appeared on DVD boxsets, comics, festival posters, books and children’s magazines.
With Loopydave’s light-hearted and fun style of teaching, you’ll be so entertained that you’ll probably even forget you’re learning!
Caricaturing combines the skills of understanding the uniqueness of a face and exaggerating it in a way that enhances the likeness (rather than detracting from it). But where do you start, which features do you emphasize, how do you exaggerate them … AND (burning question) what are the differences between Elijah Wood and Daniel Radcliffe??
Drawing caricatures is less about a ‘right or wrong’ approach and more about finding a strong solution. In this course, you’ll learn all of Loopydave’s tips and tricks, as well as his techniques & visual guides to help you achieve that ‘strong solution’ for your own caricatures.
He breaks down his process into simple, clear, ‘snack-size’ steps that you can easily follow, from using basic shapes, to deciding which features to emphasize, to identifying facial asymmetry and weight.
Even if the thought of drawing caricatures has never crossed your mind, you’re guaranteed to have a blast discovering the ins and outs of this cool skill, and be itching to give it a try yourself! 😉
G’day from Australia! Find out a bit about your instructor, Loopydave, best known for creating illustrations full of humor and character and also, his love for painting crocs.
He’ll give you a quick overview of what you can expect in this exciting and engaging course. Prepare to be intrigued!
1 Assignment
Jumping right in, Loopydave shows you (with lots of fun visuals) how our brains can tell thousands of individuals apart from each other. He talks about different ways to exaggerate a face and how to decide what to emphasize.
Additionally, you’ll learn why asking the right questions is key to improving your artwork and which ones are the most helpful to ask!
Plus, you’ll discover random nuggets of interest, like the sharpness of Mads Mikkelson’s cheekbones!
1 Assignment
Welcome to another snack-size session! Here, you’ll learn all about using photo references for your caricatures, why using several photos is helpful, what to look for in a reference and how to mix and match for best results.
See a cool example of the actress, Cameron Diaz!
Loopydave shares his methods for doing so and other interesting insights, such as how to find good references and the fact that thumbs don’t have eyes.
1 Assignment
Before you start to exaggerate a face, you have to first identify its features.
In this lesson, you’ll discover some good questions to ask yourself that will help you to do just that, along with learning the general ‘idealized’ measurements of a standard face. Knowing this will help you be aware of the differences in shape and features which make a face unique.
Loopydave will then walk you through a cool demonstration and help you create a list of noteworthy features. You’ll find out more about the guidelines he uses, ways to exaggerate them, how to create a list of facial features, and Harrison Ford’s nose!
1 Assignment
The base of a good caricature is the head shape, which dictates weight distribution and how the features are placed. But how does one go about building it? You’ll find out how in this lesson!
Loopydave discusses the shapes he uses for all the faces he draws. He also provides you with useful questions to help guide you and shows you exactly how he uses them to design a face.
You’ll learn two fun ways to figure out the weight of a face: the two-way and three-way split, and see LOTS of amusing examples of each. You’ll also discover other interesting tidbits like why Hugh Jackman is a triple threat.
1 Assignment
Have fun with sticking points on some faces today! … Sounds painful!
Breaking down a face into shapes makes it easier to construct and play around with. This lesson gets more practical, dealing with different approaches to doing just that, including using single or separate shapes, beats, tangents and … dramatic music while painting retro monsters!
Follow along with Loopydave as he demonstrates all these methods by creating lots of fun caricatures. You’ll also discover handy tips to make the process easier, such as drawing the center and eye line.
1 Assignment
In this lesson, Loopydave will teach you his methods for carciaturing the main facial features: eyes, noses and mouths. You’ll get a peek into the mind of a caricature artist, learning not just his process, but understanding WHY he makes certain design choices and what to consider when drawing facial features.
He carefully explains what to look for, the shapes that make up each feature, how to exaggerate them effectively and how they change with age. You’ll discover the differences in eyes, noses and mouths between people. With this essential knowledge, you can now replicate these steps in your own portrait drawing.
Loopydave also shares some nifty tricks and useful advice, like how to avoid the various ‘bad tangents’ and the differences in lip shape between Jack Black and Robin Williams.
1 Assignment
Congratulations on getting to the final lesson in this course!
So far you’ve learned lots of cool stuff and new skills (plus bonus trivia, like how Abe Lincoln likes massive chairs).
Now the fun part: You’ll get to put all that knowledge into practice and create a caricature of your own—from start to finish!
Draw alongside Loopydave and discover his exact thought process for designing a caricature. His subject of choice is Jason Momoa, of Game of Thrones fame, but you can choose whomever you wish. Have fun!
1 Assignment
Loopydave is an Australian-based illustrator whose work has appeared on DVD boxsets, advertising, comics, character design, festival posters, books, children’s magazines, but most important as he says: “When I was much younger, on my mother’s fridge door.”
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