Linnea is a Swedish/Japanese artist with a following of over 1 million on Instagram. She is known for creating anthropomorphized figures and cute, spooky characters.
Would you LOVE to learn how to draw digitally, but feel intimidated by the thousands of brushes, tools, and settings in an endless sea of drawing software?
Well, this course is for you! Believe it or not, the popular Instagram artist, Feefal, felt the same way when she started out with digital art, thinking it was way too difficult and overwhelming. In fact, she avoided it like the plague!
However, once she got the hang of drawing in Procreate, she went on to master it, becoming well-known for her stunning, unique artwork (with a following of over 1 million on Instagram). Who better could you ask for as a teacher??
In this course, Feefal will show you simple, effective methods she uses when painting in Procreate and will demystify the process with clear, easy-to-follow steps. She’ll also show you industry secrets and tips that she wished she knew when starting out! Awesome, right!?
You’ll start off the easy way by combining traditional art with digital, learning exactly how Feefal transfers a sketch to drawing software, lines her work, renders the colors and shadows, picks a winning color palette, and lots more cool stuff!
Digital drawing will be SO much easier for you after this course! You’ll master the skills and techniques needed to produce gorgeous, appealing artwork of your own that you can show off to followers and friends! And not only that… but with this simple, straightforward method, you’ll have a blast too!
Meet your teacher, Feefal!
In this introduction, she will reveal the exciting content in store for you in this course. Look forward to getting a complete behind-the-scenes walk-through of Feefal’s digital art workflow. Ready to jump in?
Let’s start at the very beginning: Coming up with something to draw!
Feefal gives you her personal tips for coming up with cool and creative concepts for unique illustrations and where to get inspiration. You will learn how to exercise your creativity muscles and play with fun ideas. Take heart, this is a learnable skill that you can master!
Time to get down to brass tacks: starting the sketch! Feefal will show you all the tools she uses for sketching, such as pencils, sketchbooks, and erasers.
You will also learn the specific ways she likes to draw facial features, such as the nose, lips, and eyes and how to rework parts of the sketch you want to change. Feefal will demonstrate how to keep your drawing clean and crisp, to ensure it looks as good as possible!
In this lesson, you’ll learn Feefal’s personal tips and tricks for taking a quality photo of your artwork and preparing it for digital coloring.
Discover quick ways to edit your artwork in Procreate in order to remove excessive hues and tweak the contrast, brightness, and shadows so you have a neutral base to work off of when you add the colors in the next lesson.
Get a fascinating, behind-the-scenes look at Feefal’s typical painting workflow, used in all her gorgeous artwork!
She will show you all the steps involved, including a SUPER easy way to color your drawing without messing up the linework, a stress-free method for blocking in the base colors, and how she selects beautiful, balanced color schemes.
You will also learn how to create nice transitions between colors, draw smooth freehand lines, circles, squares, etc., add shadows and adjust your colors to get the look you want.
Now that the groundwork has been established, it’s time to spice things up a bit!
In this lesson, you will learn how to add shadows, rendering, and more enhancements to your piece, including pro tips for drawing both flowing and curly hair and false sketch lines.
Discover the main brushes Feefal uses to create lovely textures and crisp lines in her illustrations. Understand why stabilization in your brush strokes is important, why sharp-edged shadows look so awesome and why gradient maps are super handy. Feefal will teach you how to use them all! YAY!
Feefal’s favorite step in the illustration process: adding the final details. You’ll be amazed at what adding a bit of highlight, thicker lines and accent colors can do to a piece!
A huge benefit of working digitally is the ability to experiment with colors, contrast and effects and in this lesson, Feefal will show you precisely how to do all this.
Look forward to discovering how to add natural glows, where to place highlights on a face, why vignettes help make areas of focus pop and other fun extras!
And you’re done! Congrats!!
Say bye to Feefal, and be sure to tag her when you post your final illustration to social media. She’d LOVE to see your work!
Linnea is a Swedish/Japanese artist with a following of over 1 million on Instagram. She is known for creating anthropomorphized figures and cute, spooky characters.
経歴21 Drawは、初心者から上級者まで、あらゆるレベルの学習者がアートスキルを向上させることができるオンラインコミュニティです。 参加している講師は、世界的に有名なアーティストばかり。ディズニーやマーベル、DC、ドリームワークス、ピクサーで活躍するトップアーティストによるビデオレッスンが、私たちのプラットフォーム【】で見放題です。会員になると、これら全てのレッスンに無制限にアクセスすることができます
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21 Drawのコースは、オンデマンド(録画済み)ビデオチュートリアルで、いつでも、何度でも、どんなデジタル機器でもオンラインで視聴することができます!つまり、自分のペースや都合に合わせて簡単に視聴(再視聴)できます。
通常は$1835/年ですが、現在期間限定の特別セールを実施中です。 75%もお得です! 年会費はわずか$461 HKD/年です。
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