Jordan Rhodes is a portrait artist based in Nashville. He has worked with clients, such as Columbia Records, Disney Plus, Strathmore, and Grammy-nominated artist, D Smoke.
Do you want to learn how to paint amazing portraits that will impress your viewers? Are you fascinated by this but don’t know where to start? Do you feel intimidated, assuming it’s an advanced skill that only professional artists can master?
Well, good news! It’s MUCH easier than you might think! Get ready to learn the basics of painting portraits and techniques for using gouache!
Gouache is a fun, vibrant medium that dries into a beautiful, flat matte finish. In this course, you’ll discover the nature of gouache and learn how to use it skillfully like a pro.
Your instructor, Jordan Rhodes, demystifies the process of portrait painting, by explaining in detail each step, giving you clear demonstrations and teaching you easy techniques that you can use right away. With Jordan’s guidance and helpful tips, you’ll realize that creating a portrait is nowhere near as daunting as you thought!
By the end of this course, you’ll have a whole new skillset under your belt, and a new-found confidence in your artistic abilities. Your friends and loved ones will be amazed and thrilled when they see the gorgeous portraits that you create!
Welcome to this course!
In this video, you’ll get to know your instructor, talented artist and portrait master, Jordan Rhodes. Jordan also outlines the exciting lessons awaiting you in his course!
Jordan will teach you the fundamental properties of gouache, such as how it differs from watercolor and acrylics, and how to control the paint consistency, so you can harness its full potential.
He also shows you the exact materials and tools he uses, explains their benefits and gives recommendations for what you can use.
Next, you’ll put brush to paper with some easy, warm-up exercises to get comfortable with how gouache works, for example: layering on top of wet vs. dry paint, adding white paint vs. adding water.
2 Cheat Sheets
List of Recommended Resources
In this practice lesson, you’ll follow along with Jordan as he paints the Asaro head statue; a unique exercise in understanding the various planes of a face.
Starting off with a base layer, Jordan teaches you how to build layer on top of layer, explaining exactly what he is doing and why.
You’ll learn how light interacts with the facial planes, how to study values and clean up edges, and discover techniques for painting shadows and highlights.
1 Homework Template
And now is the part you’ve been waiting for: ‘It’s TIME TO paint an amazing portrait of your own!
Follow along with Jordan as he shows you how to create your very own portrait from scratch. He teaches you how to analyze a reference image and what to look for when studying it.
After that, you’ll learn how to paint a thin wash for the base and then break down the head into two or three values to lay the foundation for the following steps. Next Jordan explains how to add colors, shadows and highlights, increasing the paint opacity as he goes.
Then as the last step, he gives you unique tips on how to add fun details, like eyelashes, fly-away hairs and jewelry, enhancing the finished portrait and making it sparkle with life.
You are now ready to create your own amazing portraits of your friends and family! Good luck and have fun!
1 Homework Template
Final Image
Jordan is a Ph.D. Chemist, turned artist based in Nashville, Tennessee. What started out as a way to relax in his leisure time after working in the lab quickly grew into his passion. He has worked with Strathmore, Princeton Brushes, Columbia Records, Disney Plus, Sktchy, and an album cover for DSmoke (Grammy nominated artist).
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