Leonardo is a Mexican artist, known for his hyper-realistic artwork and sculptures. He has worked in Hollywood and has numerous exhibitions in prestigious galleries worldwide.
Master the art of drawing hyper-realistic objects, that come to life in front of your eyes!
Ever wished your art could mirror reality, but you just don’t know how? Time to shake off those limitations! Traditional art master, Leonardo Pereznieto, is here to revolutionize your drawing skills! Even if you’re new to drawing, you’ll learn how to create mind-blowing artwork that looks 3D, leaving everyone thinking it’s a real photo!
From the roughness of rock to the fluidity of water, the softness of petals to the gleam of metal, Leo will show you how to draw all this and more like a pro.
You’ll pick up crucial skills, such as shading soft, rough, and smooth surfaces, choosing the right pencil for the right task, and adding shadows to make your drawings pop off the page!
Watch the magic happen as you blend colors, create depth, and build confidence, taking your artistry to a whole new level. Your artwork will exude such realism, that jaws will drop!
Join Leo’s course today and let the magic begin!
All objects in our world have specific surface textures that make them unique and identifiable. Think wood, glass, metal, etc.
In this course, Leonardo will teach you step-by-step how to draw the most common ones with incredible realism! Look forward to mastering fun, easy techniques with both regular and colored pencils as you go! Ready to dive in?
Get your feet wet in this lesson, as Leo walks you through the basic techniques for using regular and colored pencils!
Ever wondered why it’s called an ‘HB’ pencil? Well, you’ll discover that and other mysteries, including all the tools of the trade to start off on the right foot.
You’ll learn about the different erasers, pencils, stumps for smooth blending, and setting spray (to avoid those annoying smudges). Plus, you’ll get to do a fun, easy exercise in blending bright colors to practice what you’ve learned.
Leo breaks down the magic of light and shadow in a way that’s as breezy as a summer afternoon. You’ll dive into the essentials, learning about various light sources and the different shadows they cast.
These concepts are the building blocks every artist needs, equipping you with solid skills and knowledge to embark on your creative journey!
Leo will be your trusty guide in this lesson, showing you the ropes of drawing objects and materials on paper that look real!
From rough rock, fluffy cotton, shiny metal to a smooth ball, you’ll have a blast practicing a range of shading and blending methods to draw each of these very different textures.
In this relaxing lesson, Leo takes you step-by-step through the magic of crafting a 3D, transparent water drop, with just a pencil!
You’ll start by outlining the shape, giving it life with shading, and adding a perfect touch of light, to transform it into an adorable droplet!
Get ready to have some fun drawing a gorgeous rose from scratch! You’ll be amazed at your results, we guarantee! From creating the central spiral to drawing natural-looking petals (not flat), Leo will guide you through every step.
You’ll pick up awesome techniques that you can use when drawing other objects too, such as: creating a realistic 3D effect, knowing where and how to add shadows, and learning which direction to shade in.
And don’t miss Leo’s tips for adding natural texture and veins to leaves! It will look super realistic!
Level up your skills and draw life-like, vivid cherries that practically pop off the page! These techniques can be applied to other objects too!
Leo guides you through understanding light sources and shadow placement. Discover techniques like using unexpected colors for depth, layering colors lightly, and mastering reflections that gleam. You’ll also discover nifty tricks, like creating a painting effect with pencils!
After this lesson, you’ll have a toolkit of drawing techniques under your belt that will take your art to the next level!
For this lesson, Leo uses both pencils and markers and also, SURPRISE…. A drinking glass! 🙂
Discover the secrets to drawing realistic reflections on a sphere, from trees and buildings to people. Leo’s unique blend of markers and colored pencils unlocks special effects, adding unique authenticity to your artwork.
Leo will demonstrate easy ways to make surfaces appear brilliantly shiny. With his help, you’ll refine and perfect your piece, proving that practice makes perfect!
Congratulations on completing this course! With the techniques you’ve honed today, you now have a solid foundation to work off of, allowing your creativity to soar!
Leo bids adieu and encourages you to keep painting and keep honing your skills!
Leonardo Pereznieto is an Award-winning artist from Mexico with over 40 years of experience. His works have been exhibited in museums and galleries worldwide including Florence, London, Paris, Seoul, and New York.
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