Emilie Decrock is a French artist and character designer focusing primarily on pin-ups. She is also the publisher of her own comic series since 2009.
Curious how the pros go about drawing gorgeous pin-up illustrations that look so clean and elegant? Well, follow along with French artist, Emilie Decrock, and find out how!
Pin-ups are a timeless theme through the ages, eras and fashions and many things can be expressed through pin-up artwork, such as strength and fragility. For Emilie, pin-ups is one illustration style which she likes to use in her artistic expression, including revisiting portraits of great female figures, like Marilyn Monroe, Dita von Teese, Audrey Hepburn, Betty Page, etc.
In this course, you’ll discover the methods and techniques Emilie uses to draw a lovely pin-up from start to finish. Learn from a pro how to find inspiring references, choose pleasing color palettes, adjust your sketch with Photoshop tools, improve the character’s resemblance and all the other steps along the way!
Emilie, who has been an artist for 20 years, introduces herself and shares her artistic background, ranging from architectural drawing to creating her own art blog, to her current career in comics. Emilie discusses how pin-ups is a versatile and timeless theme and why she personally enjoys drawing them.
In this fascinating lesson, Emilie demonstrates how to find photo references that inspire you most and how to start off your sketch, combining elements from several photos.
Discover useful techniques for defining the character shape and anatomy, adding details to create structure, and creating a compelling resemblance to the reference photo.
You’ll also learn two methods of rendering the clean line-art: one best suited for comics and one with sketchy, pencil-like feel.
Follow along as Emilie shows how to apply flat colors to her illustration, add contrast and create highlights and shadows with a soft shading technique, giving shape, volume and life to the pin-up.
Cool feature: You’ll discover her personal color palette (which also looks great in print) that she uses regularly in her published work.
The final stage: Adding those extra details and effects to give your artwork a professional look and appeal, such as correcting some small mistakes, using the Curves tool to adjust the colors and brightness, and much more.
Well done on completing this course! Looking forward to seeing your artistic creations.
Emilie Decrock is a French artist and character designer focusing primarily on pin-ups. She was born in Martinique and moved to Lyon, France when she was 5 years old. Emilie has worked for Hachette Education, PlayBac, Disney Hachette Presse and others, contributed to several French comic books and published her own comic series since 2009.
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