Erika Wiseman is a freelance digital artist with a Bachelor’s in Fine Arts. She has been creating art for over 15 years and made a name for herself on Instagram.
In this day and age, social media is essential for artists to get their work out into the world.
Social media has been vital to Erika’s personal success as a freelance artist from getting freelance jobs, to starting a business, to growing a community. However, it can be so difficult to get your artwork seen and stand out among the sea of other artists out there. It really helps to have a mentor who has already been down that road, and learned through experience what to focus on and what to avoid.
With a lot of research and trial and error, in about 2 years time Erika grew a following of over 200k on Instagram. Now she’s here to share everything she’s learned about growing an art account on social media with you! There’s a lot in store here! Let’s jump in!
This course is designed for artists at any level and who are looking to get their start on social media. Erika will be focusing specifically on the ins and outs of Instagram but most of this info can be applied to other platforms as well!
Erika discusses the stages of an artist’s journey and the details of her own experience and personal struggles. She also goes into the pros and cons of social media, so you know what to expect. You will learn important questions to ask yourself and what to focus on.
Lesson summary included
Worksheet included
Get down to the brass tacks in this lesson, as Erika guides you in developing your account plan, coming up with your name, feed style, picture, bio and more!
Learn how to think like a follower and develop your unique presence and brand, so it attracts the attention of your future followers.
Lesson summary included
Worksheet included
The dreaded Algorithm! Not to fear, Erika breaks down for you in this lesson and explains how the rules of engagement on Instagram.
Discover trends in numbers, optimum post times & content type and & learn who your audience is through ‘insights and analytics’. Despite how it sounds, it’s not as hard as you may think!
Lesson summary included
This section is chock-full of detail to create amazing content.
You’ll get insight into things like: what to post and what not to post, hashtag tips, writing captions, how to take good photos of your art and the different types of posts that lead to engagement and account growth.
Lesson summary included
Worksheet included
In this video, find out how the different ways you can effectively engage with your community so people want to interact with you.
Erika gives recommendations to expand your audience via challenges, community events, collaborations and more. There are so many options available to you!
Lesson summary included
Worksheet included
One of the most important aspects of all: staying sane while growing your social media presence.
Ever wonder how well-known artists manage to keep up with their work and maintain a thriving Instagram account? Learn how to develop a growth mindset and handle negativity and challenges that may arise on the way. You’ve got this!
Lesson summary included
エリカ・ワイズマン(通称Erika the Goober)はアメリカ在住のフリーランスのイラストレーター、キャラクターデザイナー。かわいくてカラフルなものを描くことと、新しい描画テクニックを試すことが大好き。
経歴21 Drawは、初心者から上級者まで、あらゆるレベルの学習者がアートスキルを向上させることができるオンラインコミュニティです。 参加している講師は、世界的に有名なアーティストばかり。ディズニーやマーベル、DC、ドリームワークス、ピクサーで活躍するトップアーティストによるビデオレッスンが、私たちのプラットフォーム【】で見放題です。会員になると、これら全てのレッスンに無制限にアクセスすることができます
もちろん!21 Drawのコースを修了すると修了証が発行されます。ダウンロードして友人、親戚、同僚、そして将来の雇用主に見せることができます。
21 Drawのコースは、オンデマンド(録画済み)ビデオチュートリアルで、いつでも、何度でも、どんなデジタル機器でもオンラインで視聴することができます!つまり、自分のペースや都合に合わせて簡単に視聴(再視聴)できます。
通常は$1835/年ですが、現在期間限定の特別セールを実施中です。 75%もお得です! 年会費はわずか$461 HKD/年です。
もし当コースがご期待に添えなかったり、お探しの内容と異なるとお感じになった場合は、こちらのフォームへのご記入いただくか、[email protected] までメールをお送りください。初回購入から30日以内であれば、どんな理由であっても全額返金いたします。ご安心ください。