Andrea works in the gaming, film, and publishing industries as a professional concept artist and character designer. He is known for his distinct anime-style cartoons.
Are you a fan of anime and manga artwork and would absolutely LOVE to learn to draw characters in this fun, cute style?
There are specific characteristics of anime artwork that make it so unique and loved around the world! Curious to discover what they are, and more importantly, how to use them in your own illustrations?
Well, today is your lucky day! 😀
In these awesome art demo videos, professional anime artist, Andrea Cofrancesco, will teach you tricks of the trade for drawing in the anime style. Follow along with him as he designs a manga-style girl from start to finish, teaching you valuable skills along the way, such as how to draw engaging, dynamic poses, draw heads from different angles, and cleanly ink in your sketch.
You’ll end up with a beautifully rendered, polished illustration that you will be super proud of … and acquire brand-new drawing techniques that you can use time and again!
Check out some FREE lessons below!
Meet your anime art mentor, Andrea!
You’ll get a good overview of what to expect in this fun and informative course! Get ready to kick off your creative art process today!
We’ll start by analyzing the main features of anime artwork that make it so distinct and memorable, such as body proportions, eyes, hair, expressions and other characteristics.
Andrea will focus on teaching you the main elements and key points for creating a unique and lively character!
In this lesson, Andrea will talk about the tools and equipment he uses in this course.
You’ll also be introduced to his favorite brushes which he uses all the time when illustrating and discover their characteristics and strengths.
Now is the time to start sketching! Exciting!!! With Andrea’s help, you will experiment with different poses first and decide on one to use for your character.
Keeping things very simple at the onset, he’ll demonstrate how to loosely sketch the character’s basic form, ensuring it looks 3D with a sense of volume. Andrea will then show you how to easily tweak your sketch and clean it up to get it ready for the inking stage.
And finally, the best part!!! Adding all the fun details, like belts, shoes, jackets, glasses, hats … or whatever else you fancy!
In this section of the course, Andrea will teach you his method for digitally inking his sketches: a rough, loose style to keep the lines looking natural and flowing.
He also shares tips for keeping your lines crisp and smooth and maintaining the liveliness of the original sketch. You’ll then learn how to set up your inks properly for the coloring stage.
In the coloring stage, you go through all the steps to make your line art come alive. This process includes:
It’s time to export your awesome illustration and show it off on social media! Andrea will show you which formats to use so that no quality is lost and your work is displayed in its full greatness!
As a final piece of advice from your instructor: Collect the art you like most, to help you build your own style. And above all: be one of a kind!
Enjoy this extended timelapse of Andrea drawing various expressions on two different manga characters: male and female.
Andrea works in the gaming, film, and publishing industries as a professional concept artist and character designer. He is known for his distinct anime-style cartoons.
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通常は$1835/年ですが、現在期間限定の特別セールを実施中です。 75%もお得です! 年会費はわずか$461 HKD/年です。
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