René Córdova started out as a cartoonist and has over 13 years experience in the illustration industry, working for clients such as Marvel, Lego, DC, and Karaokulta.
Do you want to be a professional comic or concept artist? Then you’ll need to be able to draw the human figure accurately and stylize it too! In this awesome course, you’ll learn how to do that from the best: Marvel artist, René Córdova! Under his instruction, you’ll see a huge improvement in your figure drawing skills.
Are you ready? Today you’ll get a fascinating peek into the mind of an industry comic artist, discovering how the pros go about creating characters that are both realistic-looking and stylized for comics, like you see in Marvel and DC comics.
René shares personal tips and simple advice on drawing the male and female figure from the front, back and side, including ways to work with references to improve your skills. He’ll also teach you a simple method for drawing hands and feet that will forever change how you visualize them when sketching (a huge help!).
You’ll discover the difference between the anatomy of male and female figures and head shapes, and how to enhance their forms in a cartoon style. With these new techniques and exercises, you’ll have the ability to take the cool poses from your imagination and put them on paper.
You’ll have loads of fun learning various poses in different perspectives and building up a figure from a rough sketch to the final version with clean line art. After this course, you’ll be well on your way to producing your very own awesome comic characters!
But don’t take our word for it…
Scroll down and watch some of the free samples now, and if you like it, get started today!
Welcome to this fascinating, value-packed course, where you will learn all about figure drawing stylized for comics. Your instructor, René Córdova, will give you an overview of the course contents and all that you can look forward to here!
While it may seem pretty easy to find references on the internet, it can also be time-consuming and sometimes frustrating when you can’t find the exact pose or angle that you are looking for.
René recommends a better way to get the references you need that’s also a lot more fun: Take your own photos of family and friends! In this lesson, he’ll give you tips on how and where to do so and what to look for.
Follow along with René, as he shows you his process for drawing a complete male and female turnaround: front, back and side views.
You will review the basic structures of passive poses to help you keep the body proportions in mind when drawing action poses later.
René will also share insight on the differences in the male and female body shapes, give you tips on how to draw proportionately and show you how he creates clean line art on top of a sketch.
Go over the structures and forms of the male and female heads in this lesson. René gives advice on recommended ways to sketch, drawing in various styles, why sketching fast is important and the advantages of using pens over pencils.
You’ll also learn cool tips such as how to draw features projecting outward (such as the nose and lips), make your characters look older or younger, create a base structure first before adding features and hair, and more!
Some artists tend to shy away from drawing hands and feet, as they can seem daunting to draw.
However, with René’s guidance in breaking down their forms in a simplified and geometric manner and explaining the essential aspects to focus on, you’ll find them much easier to tackle!
Understanding how the hands and feet work plays a big part in knowing how to draw them correctly.
Follow along with René in drawing some sketches of simple geometric shapes at various angles and perspectives.
This useful exercise will help you be able to think in 3D better when drawing your characters, so they look realistic and have depth, instead of appearing flat.
In this final lesson, René will show you his methods of drawing two comic figures from scratch, using references for inspiration and guides.
First, he will teach you how to outline the shapes and lines that form the structure of the body before drawing it, making it much easier to draw the same figure at different perspectives and in various poses.
Sometimes quantity is more important than quality, as is the case with sketching thumbnails. You’ll learn why this is important and how to go about drawing thumbnails to prepare for the next stage.
René will then move on to adding the clean lines and details to both figures, explaining how he thinks when drawing comic characters and what to keep in mind.
In this section, you’ll discover some handy exercises that you can do on a regular basis to improve your figure drawing skills over time. René himself does this regularly as a way to keep learning and growing as an artist. Have fun!
René Córdova has over 13 years experience in the illustration industry, working for clients such as Marvel, Lego, DC, Amber and Karaokulta. He started out as a cartoonist which he still really enjoys.
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