Randy is a character designer and illustrator whose work has been featured in numerous books, graphic novels, video games, television shows, and feature films.
Character design is about more than technical skill. This course will help you to think like a designer and understand the most important aspects of the process, including:
Follow along with Randy Bishop and get a better understanding of the thought and effort that should accompany character design as well as the most important things to keep in mind during the process.
Get to know Randy, your teacher!
In this intro, Randy sets the expectations for the upcoming videos on character design as well goes into the concept of storytelling and stylization.
Watch as Randy presents and explains the 13 common character archetypes as well as how to use archetypes properly. Common archetypes are like: The Hero or The Warrior, The Rebel or Outlaw Character, The Explorer, The Creator and many more.
Learn the importance of the thought behind a design. This video includes a time-lapse.
The main thing to think about when designing the costume for a character is to think about the character story and the whole story from beginning to end. And think about the costume being designed differently in different points.
Here Randy will describe what model sheets, how to effectively create them and the examination of the nuances of expression.
In the last and final lesson Randy will speak about the character interactions and how a lineup should affect your design decisions.
Randy has been working as a character designer and illustrator for several years from his home in Eastern Idaho, where he lives with his beautiful wife and four children. His work has been featured in numerous books, magazine covers, graphic novels, video game cinematics and trailers, television shows, and feature films.
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